Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Business update meeting and the seven wonder of the world

Like the next guy, I am a huge fan of business update meeting. The excitement from a 3 hours business update meeting is just the kind of sugar rush that everyone need. The whole group would get together in a room and then listen to their leaders, either face to face or via video conf call. To dissect the update will be the responsibility of the head honcho who in most mnc are foreigners-expats etc. Language used are of a bbc world service quality. Americans would waltz around data driven presentation slides while europeans will tap dance on wordy slides with plenty of comic relief for good measure.
At the end of the day, the update is part and parcel of the corporate life for most of us. It bridges the corporate masses with the executive staff and their strategic plans.



salam jai ....

Edward de Bono in his book "Six Thinking Hat" ..ada cakap yang most meeting do waste lots of time by discussing things which is not relevant ...and having been in this situation long time ago (hehehe) ..aku setuju la ...

Rizal said...

American loves their meetings and consider it as the life line of their corp world. They go to great extent to ensure a culture of effective meeting habits is develop and sustain thru out the co. To my suprise, in an european co such thing are not taken so seriously. Debono conclusion could be right but meetings do has its role if its done with a purpose i.e. Action, problem solving, update etc.