He was newly promoted and wants to ensure that he raised his proverbial 'bar'
My advice was quick and corny, which speaks volume of my intelligentsia (*burp!) - continue to do what ever you are doing because it works (hence the promotion) and extend your scope of influence. I am sure the poor fella was left a bit daze and confused at the end of the email conversation.
Now that my thoughts are clearer, I would like to re response to my friend in a more proper manner, befitting my lack of scholars. How to do better , in everything?
- Be the best in what you do. Learn, re learn and learn some more.This is what The Koran and Prophet Muhammad taught the world, embrace it.
- Apply what we learn to our work. It refreshes our perspectives.
- See the bigger picture. Always look at a problem from a higher level. A lame example - if your team encountered a generic problem, while focusing on fixing the issue within your team, also look at other team if there have the same problem. We can either learn from them on how to fix it or pass on our solution to them.
- Be philosophical. When we are philosophical, we tend to conform to a rule and a standard. It helps us to be consistent. How to be philosophical? Easy, go do #1.
Now Yoda sleeps. Till next time.
One more advice probably bro:
* Learn
* Relearn
* Unlearn
Dato, speaking like a true champion indeed!
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